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1、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
2、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
3、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
4、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
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6、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
7、 General Information 书名 史沛棠 作者 史奎钧等编著 页数 294 SS号 10884829 出版日期 2001年10月第1版 封面 书名 版权 前言 医家小传 专病论治 水肿证治钩玄 兼谈慢性肾炎的辨证和治疗 一 中医对水肿病的认识 二 慢性肾炎辨治经验 三 体会 传染性肝炎的中医辨治探讨 一 急性肝炎的辨证和治疗 二 慢性肝炎 肝硬化 肝腹水的辨证和治疗 糖尿病辨证论治 。
8、 Ge n e r a l In f o r m a t i o n 书名 杏苑生春 三 作者 页数 50 SS号 12764150 出版日期 。
9、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
10、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
11、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
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