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1、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
2、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
3、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
4、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
5、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
6、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
7、导 读之 一 性命法诀明指 与 三字法诀经 性命双修金丹大道 作为道家教外别传的根本法脉 自人 类文明产生以来 就一直在华夏大地上递相授受 延续不绝 代有传人 自古大道一脉相承 后则门派林立 支分脉延 各 树一帜 以致旁门与正门混杂 旁道与大道同行 门内尚能明 辨是非 门外则莫衷一是 因此历来慕其名者众多 而误入旁 门者不少 不能不令人扼腕长叹 性命双修金丹大道 非同其 他小术 乃贯通天地 超凡入。