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刻版外科精要 1中医古籍网盘下载_电子版书Tag内容描述:
1、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
2、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
3、 This title is provided ONLY for personal scholarly use Any publication reprint or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden and the researcher assumes all responsibility for conforming with。
4、 中医古代典籍 2 深圳市河山科技开发有限公司 整理制作 外科正宗外科正宗 明 陈实功撰 卷之一痈疽门 痈疽原委论第一 痈疽发背为何生 好好身躯出此形 凡人处世而无疾病者 水升 火降精秘血盈也 养生篇 曰 毋摇尔精 毋劳尔形 皈心静默 可 以长生 此皆远世俗 忘名利 无贪嗔 却疾病 此惟修身保命之士 所能 今人岂能及哉 盖谓静则生水 动则生火 又水能生万物 火 能劸骐物 故百病由火而生 火既生 七。