1、Mainaetal.Annals of General Psychiatry https:/doi.org/10.1186/s12991-023-00478-7RESEARCHOpen Access The Author(s)2023.Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,which permits use,sharing,adaptation,distribution and reproduction in any medium o
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5、yNationwide consensus ontheclinical management oftreatment-resistant depression inItaly:aDelphi panelGiuseppe Maina1,2,Marina Adami3,Giuseppe Ascione3,Emi Bondi4,Domenico De Berardis5,Dario Delmonte3,Silvia Maezzoli3,Giovanni Martinotti6,Alessandra Nivoli7,Elena Ottavianelli8*,the Delphi Panel Colla
6、boration Group and Andrea Fagiolini9 Abstract Background Treatment-resistant depression(TRD)is dened by the European Medicines Agency as a lack of clini-cally meaningful improvement after treatment,with at least two dierent antidepressants.Individual,familiar,and socio-economic burden of TRD is huge
7、.Given the lack of clear guidelines,the large variability of TRD approaches across dierent countries and the availability of new medications to meet the need of eective and rapid acting therapeutic strategies,it is important to understand the consensus regarding the clinical characteristics and trea
8、tment pathways of patients with TRD in Italian routine clinical practice,particularly in view of the recent availability of esketa-mine nasal spray.Methods A Delphi questionnaire with 17 statements(with a 7 points Likert scale for agreement)was administered via a customized web-based platform to Ita
9、lian psychiatrists with at least 5 years of experience and specic expertise in the eld of depression.In the second-round physicians were asked to answer the same statements considering the interquartile range of each question as an index of their colleagues responses.Stata 16.1 software was used for
10、 the analyses.Results Sixty panellists,representative of the Italian territory,answered the questionnaire at the rst round.For 8/17 statements more than 75%of panellists reached agreement and a high consensus as they assigned similar scores;for 4 statements the panellists assigned similar scores but
11、 in the middle of the Likert scale showing a moderate agreement with the statement,while for 5 statements there was indecision in the agreement and low consensus with the statement.Conclusions This Delphi Panel showed that there is a wide heterogeneity in Italy in the management of TRD patients,and
12、a compelling need of standardised strategies and treatments specically approved for TRD.A high level of consensus and agreement was obtained about the importance of adding lithium and/or antipsychotics as aug-mentation therapies and in the meantime about the need for long-term maintenance therapy.A
13、high level of con-sensus and agreement was equally reached for the identication of esketamine nasal spray as the best option for TRD patients and for the possibility to administrate without diculties esketamine in a community outpatient setting,highlighting the benet of an appropriate educational su
14、pport for patients.*Correspondence:Elena Ottavianellielena.ottavianellifullcro.orgFull list of author information is available at the end of the articlePage 2 of 11 Mainaetal.Annals of General Psychiatry Keywords Treatment-resistant depression,Major depressive disorder,Antidepressants,Consensus stat
15、ement,Customized treatment,EsketamineBackgrounde primary goal of treating depression is to achieve complete resolution of symptoms,but approximately 30%of patients with major depressive disorder(MDD)do not respond adequately to treatment 1,2.Non-response to medication is common and can persist after
16、 multi-ple attempts with dierent medications 2.e suc-cess rate of treatment decreases with each subsequent trial,as shown in the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression(STAR-D)trial 1.Treatment-resistant depression(TRD)is dened by the European Medicines Agency(EMA)as a lack of clinica
17、lly mean-ingful improvement after treatment with at least two dierent antidepressants 3.TRD is a complex condi-tion inuenced by genetic,clinical and environmental factors,as well as comorbidities and psychosocial fac-tors 4.Patients with TRD experience a higher burden of illness compared to responde
18、rs,including more severe symptoms,greater disability,and reduced quality of life 2,5.e economic burden of TRD is also signicant,with higher direct and indirect costs compared to non-treatment-resistant depression 6.Current management of TRD is challenging due to the lack of evidence-based guidelines
19、 or a consensus strategy in Europe,leading to variation in treatment choices 7.Pharmacological options,that include selective serotonin reuptake inhibi-tors(SSRI),serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibi-tors(SNRI),tricyclic antidepressants(TCA),monoamine oxidase inhibitors(MAOIs),and atypical antide
20、pressants and non-pharmacological treatments(neurostimulation,psychotherapeutic interventions)could be used,alone or in combination,with dierent strategies,such as dose escalation,medication switching,combination therapy,and augmentation/additional therapy.e everyday Ital-ian clinical practice is no
21、t dierent from the European context;in Italy it can be documented,on the one hand the frequent use of SSRI,SNRI and augmentation strate-gies,and on the other hand the rare utilization of psycho-social approaches 5.However,in real-world practice,treatment response rates are low.A recent observational
22、 study on TRD in Europe conrmed that TRD patients have a poor chance of achieving remission at both 6 and 12months;more-over,the study found that patients who had achieved remission at 6months were then unable to maintain it for a long time 7.Despite low remission rate,TRD patients often remain on t
23、he same pharmacological treatment for extended periods of time 7,8.ere is a need for additional therapeutic strategies for TRD that are rapid acting and have proven ecacy in this population 4,9,10.Ketamine and its S-enantiomer,esketamine,have shown promise in targeting the glutamate pathway and rest
24、oring synaptic connections in the brain to improve mood symptoms 11,12.Esketamine nasal spray,devel-oped and approved specically for TRD,provides an additional treatment option with rapid onset of action and demonstrated ecacy compared with other well-established pharmacological strategy such as aug
25、men-tation with quetiapine XR 13.Few adverse events are reported with esketamine(the most common are tran-sient dissociative symptoms,nausea,dizziness)14 and the safety concerns can be managed by administering esketamine under healthcare professional supervision in accordance with best practices 15.

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