1、Archives of Cardiovascular Disease 116(2023)590596Disponible en ligne surScienceDGuidelinesPharmacological coronary spasm provocative testing in clinicalpractice:A French Coronary Atheroma and Interventional CardiologyGroup(GACI)position paper Fabien Picarda,1,Julien Adjedjb,Jean-Philippe Colletc,Er
2、ic Van Belled,Jacques Monsegue,Bernard Karsentyf,Patrick Dupouyg,Marine Quilloth,Guillaume Bonneti,Alexandre Gautierj,Guillaume Caylak,Hakim Benamerl,m,naDepartment of Cardiology,Cochin Hospital,Hpitaux Universitaire Paris Centre,APHP,75014 Paris,FrancebDepartment of Cardiology,Institut Arnault-Tzan
3、ck,06700 Saint-Laurent-du-Var,FrancecSorbonne Universit,ACTION Study Group,INSERM UMRS 1166,Institut de Cardiologie,APHP,75013 Paris,FrancedCHU Lille,Department of Cardiology,Department of Interventional Cardiology for Coronary,Valves and Structural Heart Diseases,Institut Coeur Poumon,INSERM U1011,
4、Institut Pasteur de Lille,EGID,Universit de Lille,59000 Lille,FranceeDepartment of Interventional Cardiology,Institut Cardio-Vasculaire,Groupe Hospitalier Mutualiste Grenoble,38000 Grenoble,FrancefHpital priv Saint-Martin,ELSAN,33600 Pessac,FrancegPle Cardio-Vasculaire Interventionnel,Clinique les F
5、ontaines,77000 Melun,FrancehDepartment of Interventional Cardiology,Centre Hospitalier Henri-Duffaut,84000 Avignon,FranceiHaut-Lvque Cardiology Hospital,Bordeaux University,33600 Pessac,FrancejDepartment of Cardiology,Hpital Bichat,APHP,75018 Paris,FrancekCardiology Department,Nmes University Hospit
6、al,Montpellier University,30900 Nmes,FrancelICPS Jacques Cartier,Ramsay Gnrale de Sant,91300 Massy,FrancemICV-GVM La Roseraie,93300 Aubervilliers,FrancenHpital Foch,92150 Suresnes,Francea r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 28 August 2023Received in revised form 3 October 2023Accepted 4 Octo
7、ber 2023Available online 13 October 2023Keywords:Coronary spasmVasospastic anginaProvocative testingErgonovinePrinzmetal anginaa b s t r a c tVasospastic angina,also described as Prinzmetal angina,was rst described as a variant form of anginaat rest with transient ST-segment elevation;it is common a
8、nd present in many clinical scenarios,includ-ing chronic and acute coronary syndromes,sudden cardiac death,arrhythmia and syncope.However,vasospastic angina remains underdiagnosed,and provocative tests are rarely performed.The gold-standard diagnostic approach uses invasive coronary angiography to i
9、nduce coronary spasm usingergonovine,methylergonovine or acetylcholine as provocative stimuli.The lack of uniform protocoldecreases the use and performance of these tests,accounting for vasospastic angina underestimation.This position paper from the French Coronary Atheroma and Interventional Cardio
10、logy Group(GACI)aims to review the indications for provocative tests,the testing conditions,drug protocols and positivitycriteria.2023 Elsevier Masson SAS.All rights reserved.Tweet:New position paper of the GACI on coronary spasm provocative test.This article addresses indications,testing conditions
11、,drug protocols and positivitycriteria for coronary spasm testing in the cath-lab.Corresponding author.Cardiology Department,Cochin Hospital,Hpitaux Uni-versitaire Paris Centre,APHP,27,rue du Faubourg-Saint-Jacques,75014 Paris,France.E-mail address:Fabien.picardaphp.fr(F.Picard).1Twitter handle:pica
12、rd fabien.1.AbbreviationsCOVADIS Coronary Vasomotor Disorders International StudyESC European Society of CardiologyLCA left coronary arteryRCA right coronary arteryTIMI Thrombolysis in Myocardial InfarctionVSA vasospastic anginahttps:/doi.org/10.1016/j.acvd.2023.10.0021875-2136/2023 Elsevier Masson
13、SAS.All rights reserved.F.Picard,J.Adjedj,J.-P.Collet et al.Archives of Cardiovascular Disease 116(2023)5905962.IntroductionMore than 60 years ago,Prinzmetal rst described a vari-ant of angina occurring at rest associated with electrocardiogrammodications.This condition,called vasospastic angina(VSA
14、),isa heterogeneous phenomenon that can occur in patients withor without coronary atherosclerosis,can be focal or diffuse andcan affect epicardial or microvasculature coronary arteries.VSA iscaused by an intrinsic anomaly of coronary vasomotricity,whichmay be responsible for resting chest pain with
15、concomitant elec-trocardiogram changes,such as transient ST-segment elevation;itcan classically result in angina or myocardial infarction with noobstructive coronary arteries 13.Many centres have been unwilling to perform routine provoca-tive testing for multiple reasons,including longer procedural
16、time,the lack of denitive provocative spasm protocol and reporteddeaths related to provocative testing 4.Initially performedat the bedside,with intermittent electrocardiogram monitoringand administration of nitrates,catheterization laboratory-basedprovocative testing,in which short half-life provoca
17、tive drugs areadministered,has become the standard of care.Nevertheless,thedrugs and protocols available for coronary spasm diagnosis areheterogenous 5,and VSA is still a frequently overlooked diag-nosis.Timely diagnosis of VSA is mandatory to prevent furtherlife-threatening events 6,7.This position
18、 paper from the French Coronary Atheroma andInterventional Cardiology Group(GACI)aims to review the indica-tions for provocative tests,the testing conditions,drug protocolsand positivity criteria.3.Coronary vasospasm pathophysiologyCoronary spasm most often affects 50-year-old smokers,butits physiop
19、athology is multifactorial,including extrinsic(smoking)and intrinsic(genetic)factors.Several studies have highlighted therole of coronary endothelial dysfunction,coronary smooth musclehypercontractility with Rho-kinase as a key player and neurohor-monal abnormalities as triggering factors 5.The inci
20、dence ofcoronary spasm varies greatly depending on screening policies ateach centre.Approximately 10%of patients presenting with symp-toms at rest and with no evidence of obstructive coronary arterydisease display evidence of coronary artery spasm when systematicscreening is implemented 2,8.Identica
21、tion of VSA is important,as it may lead to acute coronary syndromes,ventricular arrhyth-mias,conduction disorders and sudden death 9,10.Guidelinesfrom Europe,the USA and Japan emphasize that coronary spasmprovocative testing should be applied in routine practice in patientswith angina or myocardial
22、infarction with no obstructive coronaryarteries 13.Table 1Indications for provocative coronary artery spasm testing.Strong indications ANOCA,especially if:resting angina nitrate responsive important diurnal variation in symptoms and exercise tolerance(more pronounced at night and early morning)MINOC
23、A in the absence of a culprit lesion unexplained syncope with preceding chest pain unexplained cardiac arrestGood indications Non-invasive diagnosed VSA,especially when unresponsive to medical therapyPersistent resting angina despite successful percutaneous coronary revascularizationControversial/co
24、ntraindications Acute phase of resuscitated cardiac arrestAcute phase of acute coronary syndromeSevere multivessel coronary artery disease or left main coronary artery stenosisSevere myocardial dysfunction,unless dysfunction might be a consequence of coronary spasm(controversial)No symptoms suggesti
25、ve of VSAANOCA:angina with no obstructive coronary arteries;MINOCA:myocardial infarction with no obstructive coronary arteries;VSA:vasospastic angina.4.Indications for provocative testingPatients with VSA have a higher risk of major adverse cardio-vascular events(MACE)compared with the general popul

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